Public Sign-up Pages

Each campaign has a custom sign-up page, showing upcoming volunteer shifts and allows people to sign up directly.

To find the link to your campaign’s sign-up page, click on the gears icon () in the top right and then click "Public signup pages”. Here, you can also find sign-up links for individual shifts.

The main public listing has a map-enabled by default. For shifts that have a location set, the shift location is used for mapping; for shifts with no location, your campaign office location (managed under Campaign Settings) is used. If the office location is not set, then the shift will not show up on the map.

The map can also be disabled (ie, if all your events are online). This toggle is available under Campaign Settings. The entire public listing feature can also be disabled there.

Customization of these pages (layouts, images, etc) as well as the ability to embed these sign-up forms on a different site, are on the roadmap and will be available in the coming months.